The Catalinas we’re off at 7am, there’s a bit of fog but visibility is pretty good. It was pretty windy last night bit seemed to have calmed down a bit by early morning. The guys picked out a place to pull into in case the weather turns nasty. If the weather report can be believed, it should be ok-ish.
More to come on the blog later today. I’m going to have breakfast downtown and meander a bit. I won’t head out of town until later this afternoon when I hear how the sailors are progressing.
There were 2 55′ bridges to pass under before Delaware Bay. Our mast is 55′ above the water. We approached very slowly at low tide and our antennae just brushed the bridge. No problems on the second bridge. Although foggish we had good winds and by mid-morning the sun was out and we had a marvellous sail charging up Delaware Bay slowly releasing the reefs until the last few miles when with the winds on our nose we took the sails down. There was lots of commercial
shipping. Here’s a pic of our fellow Catalina 355 being passed by a freighter. 30 minutes later this freighter was overtaken by an even larger freighter.
Turning into the canal we had an hour and a half at 7.5+ knots as we rode the tide to Chesapeake City. Arrived about 4:30 onto a city dock. Dockage free but one pays for electricity and water if consumed. Chesapeake City is a charming Victorian town (at just 700 people if can’t be a city) with some very fine dining.
Also had a call from our boat insurance company who were very apologetic about the southerly restriction they put on us. They have removed the restriction so we can now venture down the ICW in October rather than December (can you spell warmer) and keep our booked slip in Ft Pierce FL. I guess complaining helps!