It was really nice not to be taking off anywhere this morning. We sussed out a local diner for breakfast – the Bohemian Cafe & Bakery. It was more of a greasy spoon than a bakery but we had a great server and delish greasy breakfasts all around. Once we got back to the boat Bob & Ron prepared the first Coretto to which we also invited Chris. After a sip, I was glad to donate my share of the Coretto to whoever wants it, the three guys seemed very happy with the result.
Chris & I did a liquor store and grocery run in Ron’s car while Ron packed. It was not much of a grocery store but I stocked up on gin and tonic water as G&T has become our late afternoon drink of choice. Kathryn, I’m sorry you had to read that last sentence. While Chris I were away, a very large tanker went by on the canal, it was called Heroic Leader – we figure it has to be from North Korea. Ron left a bit before noon, he was great company and a big help to Bob since I declined to do the Jersey coast and the Delaware. Based on Bob’s comments on yesterday’s post, he and Ron had a good time coming up the Delaware.
We, read Bob, did some much needed cleaning of the outside of the boat and chilled a bit. Dinner on board tonight, we didn’t need much after that huge breakfast.