We go to bed ridiculously early, usually around 9pm which means we’re also up early, usually awake before sunrise which these days is close to 7am. It was a nice calm, bright morning but by the time I was getting ready to take the rental car back a thick fog had rolled in and was still there when I got back. Considering it’s a narrow channel we were not going to take chances until it cleared up a bit.

Around 10am we saw a sailboat head out so figured it was ok as it had cleared a fair bit. We made out way out very slowly, it was still foggy on the river outside the channel to the marina but there was enough visibility to proceed safely. As we looked back it seemed the fog was hanging just over the marina.
It was a beautiful sunny day but not much wind so we again motor sailed – no crab pots anywhere today! Once we got closer to Hampton and Norfolk the scenery got less lovely with the huge docks for large cargo ships and of course all the naval ships at the Norfolk Naval Base. We saw/we’re passed by several very large ships, two were naval supply ships.

We knew Joan and John from R Thyme II were at a free dock in Portsmouth, just at the start of the ICW so that’s where we went too. They had scouted out a restaurant for dinner, The Bier Garden, that was a short walk away – good German food !