It was a very peaceful night at the anchorage, I wish I had taken a picture of the beautiful sunrise. Huge flocks of small birds were flying nearby as we left, shortly after 7am. We think this is a wetlands area.
There were no bumps at the entrance when we left, that was a relief. We had a plan A & B for the day. Plan A was to travel about 48 nm to a marina on the other side of Albemarle Sound, which meant crossing the sound, a large shallow body of water on which waves build up easily in windy conditions. The weather is supposed to be pretty nasty tomorrow but when we checked the winds for the time we’d get to start the crossing, which would take around two hours, the winds/gusts would already have started to pick up.
Plan B was to hole up at Coinjock Marina, only about 17 nm from our anchorage, if they had space. Luckily they were willing to accommodate us. We may have to raft tomorrow as more boats with reservations are coming in, but we’re fine with rafting.
It was a fairly quiet trip here but a few motor cruisers passed us and we also met a big northbound barge that was right in the middle of the channel and he wasn’t moving over an inch !

Since we got here quite early we had showers, did laundry and cleaned salt water stains from half the stainless on the boat, will do the other half tomorrow if it doesn’t rain all day. The restaurant here – we are very glad they have one – is well known for their roast beef. We split one dinner, a serving is 16 oz !!! and it was a thick cut, it was very good.
And here is your weird boat for the day. I’ll take a picture in better light tomorrow.