We got the call from marina office around 8:30 that they were ready to move us to our new slip. Tying up to pylons is still very new to us so we were grateful for the help from the dock master and the boat next to where we were going. The pylon method is good, we’re just not very good at it yet. We are now truly among the fishing trawlers.

We had coffee and excellent bagels at a coffee shop 30 seconds away from our new slip and met some friendly locals and their dogs. That was followed by a 20 minute walk to the West Marine store for Bob-essential supplies and back to the marina just in time to participate in the local theatre company’s fundraiser. It was a chili contest with participation from 12 local merchants. It was great fun, we voted on our favourite chili, there was an audience prize and a judged prize. Great timing for us to be here.
We finally have good wifi so I’ve been updating the blog and Bob has been putting the purchases from West Marine to good use. If the weather forecast is accurate it’s going to rain most of tomorrow so it’s going to be reading and a bit of “housework” tomorrow. Bob is planning to make another trek to West Marine so he’ll get to wear his rain gear. Here’s a few pictures from the chili event.