Pulling the anchor up this morning provided us with the smelliest mud to date – yuk. The rubber gloves we got for fending off on the canal walls, which now seems so long ago, came is especially handy today. The good news is that the mud rinses off the gloves very easily if you do it right away. It was a warm morning, meaning no heater and clothes layering required.

We passed St Augustine but didn’t stop as we’ll be back here with Linda md Chris in January. We had to wait for the bascule bridge to open so Bob did a meander through the mooring field. We saw a pretty unattractive catamaran we last saw near Lady’s Island, it was easy to recognize, a slightly pukey orange all over – but fun seeing boats we’ve seen at other stops.

Nothing out of the ordinary today, we saw a few more beached boats, no way of telling if it was Matthew or Irma damage. There was a chance of bad weather tonight so we ended up at a marina attached to a resort – the less expensive place was all booked up when we called. We took the shuttle to the resort which is right on the Atlantic. We got there around 4:15 so rather than shuttling back and forth we had a slow drink at the restaurant by the water and watched the waves roll in. They started serving dinner at 5 so we had dinner there. I think it was our most expensive meal to date but it was good. After a eating lot of seafood on this trip, we both went for red meat -medium rare – yum.