March 3&4, 2018 – Black Point, Great Guana Cay

Not much to say about the last two days. We stayed on the boat, read, ate, drank, did some internet surfing and I believe Bob actually did some KDH work. The winds that were suppososed to be mostly north were enough NNW that the waves from the west never really abated. Saturday night was really bad. The waves were both rolling and pitching the boat,  very irritating. It was impossible to sleep in the front cabin, I didn’t want to sleep in the back with the waves really slapping against the back of the boat so Bob slept back there and I slept in the salon. Things did calm down enough around 2am so that Bob could go back to the front cabin, but I stayed in the salon.

The winds did start to decrease on Sunday so Sunday night was much better for sleeping. An island freighter pulled into the government dock Sunday afternoon, maybe bringing some vegetables to the stores ! There were also two large freighters anchored a bit further out, we never did see them move.

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