After yesterday’s excitement today was a nice calm day. We went for a longish walk. First to Boo Boo Hill to leave our boat name and date on the pile with many many others. Boo Boo Hill got its name from a ship that ran aground at the island, there were no survivors. The spirits of the drowned are said to haunt the hill. There were wonderful views from the top of the hill. We found a pice of wood, a small oar, where the name was totally faded, used it to leave our marker. It won’t take long for it to fade. Looking north from Boo Boo Hill the island narrows and ends at a cut which provides access to and from the Atlantic side.

Our walk took us around a large pond with very unappetizing looking brown water. Some of the rock on the island is a dark gray and appears porous but so far I’ve had no luck googling to find out what it is. We don’t think it’s coral. Bob ran the engine for about an hour this afternoon to charge the battery, all appears well with the engine.