We’ve really enjoyed the last three days at Little Harbour. Bob has changed the fuel filter, oil change still to go. We’ve gone ashore each day and done some walking. We’re now regulars at Pete’s Pub, they remember Bob’s name. There is a walkway from Pete’s to the Atlantic side but it’s not a really long sandy beach in that spot.

Today walked to a former lighthouse near the entrance point to the channel into the harbour. It’s a stone building that is now quite crumbled, we don’t know when it became non-operational as a lighthouse. It was very windy so seeing the whitecaps outside the harbour made us happy we were in our little harbour.

We could see the anchorages at Lynyard Cay where we anchored with many other boats the day we arrived from Spanish Wells, there was one boat, I was surprised to see even one. Because of the winds, we put the motor on the dinghy, rowing to shore would not have been hard as the winds were from the north would push us to shore but rowing back might have taken a while. We also want to go for a bit of a circumnavigation of the harbour which would take way too long without the motor. We’ll do that either Thursday or Friday when the winds have died down. We’re leaving here on Saturday.

Randolf Johnston, a sculptor from Toronto and his wife and three kids moved to Little Harbour in 1952. His son owns Pete’s Pub and Gallery that houses many of his fathers and Pete’s beautiful – and very expensive – bronze sculptures. We had hoped to have a bit of a tour of the foundry today, they were going to do a casting, but it’s being done tomorrow, we hope.