Think Garmin has a glitch … tracking stopped recording and now a map with the whole track (or any tracks) is no longer on their site. Anyway, anchor up at 8:25 before the current and wind working against each other would make this difficult or impossible. Nice trip up Adams Creek … lottsa boats heading north. Below is one of them, Enticer, from RI. I have seen her several times since Savannah…this pic was her passing me yesterday. When I got to the Neuse River I thought I’d be sailing but almost no wind and sun so hot the deck was difficult to walk on. Then about 2pm the winds piped up to high teens. Headed off course about 8 miles to get to an anchorage in a nature reserve that has good protection (according to Active Captain). Turns out no protection from 20 knot SW winds. In 7’ of water my anchor gripped right away so that went well. Hope it pipes down later to reduce the rocking and cause this was to have been a bbq night!