Day 9 Quebec City. Off the dock about 6:30 this morning with good sunlight and calm waters but around 0C although it didn’t feel as cool as yesterday in the rain. Left early to catch the ebb current. Finally a pretty part of the river with steep sides, lots of trees and some beautiful homes and, of course, many church spires. After the Pont du Quebec we saw the citadel and the Plains of Abraham. Shortly after that we could see the Chateau Frontenac looming above us. Many, many ships as this is an active working harbour. We turned into the narrow entrance to the outer harbour with (thankfully) little current catching us. The lock master saw us coming and started opening the gate —- there is a lock to raise/lower boats for the level of the inner harbour, Louise Bassin. Locking through very civil: one ties up to a dock inside the lock and it floats you to the new level. The marina is lovely and spacious with good services and very helpful staff. We have a view of the old town from our dock. We will be here for 3 nights when John’s wife Nanci joins us and we depart for the Saguenay.