Easy start late morning as we only had 8 nm to go. Very gusty into the mid 20s making it cold. Periods of wonderful sunshine fallen by driving rain. What fun! Baie de l’Éternité is quite spectacular with an enormous cliff at the entrance. The charts shows mooring balls but a post on Active Captain stated they were no longer there. True enough no morning balls so Finnish Line 2.0 anchored and Ramble On rafted off. Came in at low tide and let out extra anchor rode as the tide height is 15’. Most of the bay is 100s of feet deep and but gets rapidly shallower near shore. We dropped at 30’ but the boat sits in 90’. Lots of swinging around as the wind goes from almost nothing to a 15-20 knot gust. I wasn’t feeling well but Nanci and John used the dinghy you go ashore and explore. Onshore is provincial park land with an information centre about the park. They discovered a large cave formed by an enormous boulder falling on top of other rocks forming a cavern.