Day 31 Riviére-au-Renard 42nm today 826 nm to date

Image may contain: sky, outdoor, nature and water
Ramble On makes a slow departure from Madeleine to avoid the rocks

Off about 9 this morning before the water got too skinny for a departure. Where we backed and turned had just over a foot left below the keel and by low tide that foot would be gone.

Day started sunny but by afternoon had turned cloudy and cool with some light rain drops.


We did pass by The Pride of Baltimore Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor, water and naturebound for the tall ships event in TO. Lovely ship but we were 4 miles away so didn’t get much of a view of her.

Arrived in Rivière-au-Renard mid-afternoon. It is a very large fishing port so lots of trawlers about and fresh fish to buy. According to the harbour master this is one of the best places in the maritimes to get items on one’s boat repaired. unlike other centres like Halifax Rivière-au-Renard is small and all the services are very close by.

Image may contain: sky, cloud, ocean, outdoor and water
Tucked up with the fishing boats
Image may contain: one or more people, boat, sky and outdoor
Upper right of the pic the standard church on a hill with lit cross

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