Set off mid morning under mostly sunny skies and a very flat ocean to round Cap Gaspé on our way to Gaspé Harbour. At Cap Gaspé we will make a 160 degree turn to starboard … essentially a u-turn. As the crow flies it is 11 nm but by boat it’s 34 nm. Luckily there was beautiful scenery and magnificent cliffs 100’s of feet high. We passed Cap-des-Rosiers where the largest lighthouse in Canada stands.
And then, whales! The plumes of water from the whales’ blowholes were huge and the tail splashes larger than our boats. The noise from the whales blowholes was quite loud and eerie. Taking pictures of diving whales with a zoom camera on a rolling boat is more talent than I have. Luckily Chris on Ramble On did get some great shots which I will post later.

After our u-turn some rain came in and losing the sun it became cooler. Arrived in Gaspé Harbour about 4pm. We refuelled then went to our places on their long dock —- it’s quite the hike back to land! ? We are here for 3 or 4 nights depending on weather and winds. Linda has friends here who are treating us to a lobster dinner on a Saturday. Debbie leaves Finnish Line here but rejoins in Halifax.