A sunny and much calmer day. It was a few miles longer than yesterday but we made much better time with few swells. Unfortunately it was all motor sailing but que sera sera. About an hour after departing I had a call from Ramble On to say look out for wildlife. Minutes later I felt the boat take a bump and looking behind I had a quick view of a fin. A fin of what we don’t know but I seriously believe it was Moby Dick (and I’m stickin’ to that!).
Thanks to GPS and our plotters were were able to stick closer to shore and weave and bob through the small shoals and rocks. As there were no white caps it was very easy to see the shoals!
Arrived at our anchorage about 3:30. We are on the north east side of Hartlings Island and nicely tucked in and will stay here tomorrow to relax and avoid some higher winds outside.
Time-wise this marks our halfway point although mileage-wise we’ve done about 55% at over 1550 nm under our keels to date.