Day 107 Gloucester MA 36 nm today 2252 nm to date

Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor, water and nature
Two light houses, no waiting

40 mile motor in benign seas with no wind but it was sunny. Took a mooring ball in the upper harbour and rode our dink ashore to explore the town. Not as old and well maintained as some towns but pleasant nonetheless. Had dinner ashore (way too) early before dinghing back before dark.

Keeping our eyes on the weather as Dorian moves north. We will most likely go to Boston a day early to ensure we don’t get caught.

Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor, nature and water
Upper east side of the Gloucester harbour
Image may contain: ocean, sky, mountain, outdoor, water and nature
Now this is a beautiful boat. It’s a recreation of a boat that challenged the Bluenose …. and lost










Image may contain: sky, ocean, outdoor, water and nature
A relative of mine? I doubt it.
Image may contain: tree, sky and outdoor
A pleasant, treed downtown

















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