Finally we started the down locks today. Going west/north it’s 20 up locks, 10 down. It was still warm overnight but when we stopped for the day it was 10C.
No big waits at any of the locks and it was pretty relaxing doing the down locks.
One of the locks today had some wildlife along for the ride, a water snake and a frog. The poor frog was trying to either climb or cling to the wall. The snake went swimming right by it. I suspect the snake made it, the frog didn’t.

We did only three locks today but also crossed Lake Oneida which takes around three hours. There was no downpour but it drizzled on and off all day. There were still a couple of sailboats, masts down, going east, surprising as the weather will be getting colder and colder before they hit warm weather again.

The Lake Oneida crossing went ok, waves were quite small, as forecast. Once we got to Brewerton at the west end of the lake, the Oneida River was lined with cottages big and small. Some are probably permanent but we figure most are summer homes. We entered the Oswego Canal and made it as far as the south side of the first lock on the canal. There was just enough room on the dock for Ramble On and we rafted to her. It was a much happier rafting experience than we had on the Hudson when we had to part company in the bouncing winds and waves.