Off the dock shortly after 7 am with the hopes that we’d make Oswego by noon. It was a full foulie and hat day. At lock 3, Chris kept calling the lock master but no reply. Finally the lock master from lock 2 radioed Chris as he’d heard Chris calling. He said he’d drive over to lock 3 to figure out why there was no answer so there’s be a 20 minute delay. Turns out the lock master had been doing some work on the other side of the lock and hadn’t heard the call. He did apologize but that did lose us some time.

We needn’t have worried. We made good time, the current was now helping us as we were moving in the high 6 knot range the whole morning. When we got to last lock there was a lot of police, ambulance, fire truck activity on the other side of the lock where the water was moving fast. There were two small fishing boats and a marine police boat in the fast moving water, we could sort of see the police boat was trying to retrieve something/someone from the water. As we were about to exit the lock we could see the marine police boat tearing along and someone was being given CPR. The lock master said two people had been in the water, he didn’t know whether they were from the fishing boats or someone who had fallen in from the bank. It was a very sobering thing to see.
We’re now settled in at the marina. Both boats are prepped for the masts to go back up but it won’t happen until tomorrow morning. We can relax for a few hours this afternoon, going out for dinner tonight.