The satellite view shows Westland Boatyard on the far right, where Finnish Line was trucked to and launched. The long docks are Titusville Municipal Marina, Finnish Line is the blue dot. The first leg of Finnish Line’s 4 month sojourn began with a 680 foot (.11nm) trip from the boatyard to the marina on January 5th.
Ah – the well laid plans of mice and men and sailors. The three sailors and the ground crew are still in sunny warm Titusville at the Titusville Municipal Marina as unfortunately a couple of the crew tested positive for Covid. Everyone feels just fine having had minor symptoms. The crew has to wait for 12 days after their positive test before they can leave here and enter the Bahamas – lots of adminstrivia to plough through, but we have the time to do it . Last night was a bouncy one, reminiscent of Jemmetts – bow in – in a north wind, blowing in the 20s all night but nice and calm now.
Where is everyone staying? Is it a quarantine?