We had a bit of a conference on where to stop today as the wind forecast for today and tomorrow was for quite a bit of it. We had hoped to get to the marina at Great Kill Harbour on Staten Island by Wednesday afternoon but the forecast made us rethink that plan. So we are now at Liberty Marina on the Jersey side, across the river from the tip of lower Manhattan. It’s a pretty high end marina but still a lot cheaper than a hotel in NYC. We’re going to stay here for two nights as the forecast for tomorrow is for even more wind. We’ll go to Great Kill on Thursday, weather permitting, where Ron is meeting us on Saturday.
It was a pretty bumpy ride until we we crossed under the Tappan Zee bridge. At least we had a following wave. The river narrowed at that point and the waves got quite bit smaller. The tide also turned in our favour so by the time we got within about 5 miles of the turn to the marina, we were doing 9.4 knots!
It was great site to see the Manhattan sky scrapers behind the George Washington bridge. We’re planning to spend the day in NYC tomorrow, there is a ferry very close to the marina and we also have the option of taking the subway from Jersey City to Manhattan. We had our first real rain of the trip, the heavens opened up just after we got back to the boat from doing the registration thing. So tonight is a chill and dine on the boat night.