It was another cold day for poor Bob behind the wheel while I could do my “try-to-avoid-the-shoal” navigation from a wind shielded area. The scenery among the rivers and cuts is pretty uninspiring, lots of sea grass, the occasional stand of trees and the water itself is brownish from the mud bottom. Apparently a nickname for the ICW is “the ditch” – it sure has applied the last week or so.
We found a very pretty anchorage on the Crescent River, there were even trees on the shore. It was nice and sunny when we stopped but sadly with the wind, not nearly warm enough to sit in the cockpit to enjoy the scenery. There were two other boats at the anchorage, I like it when we have a bit of company, we are in Georgia after all 🙂 We had a great dinner – BBQd steak – yum.

The temperature in the cabin, as usual, was in the low 60s F, so the little propane heater got used again for a little while.