Easily left our slip at 9:45 and headed to the fuel dock. Made a perfect landing that the manger of the charter company complimented. Very unfortunately the same can not be said for the departure which went to hell quickly. However, nothing was broken and no one died so we were able to continue on with our tails between our legs.
Spent an hour picking our way through coral and around obstructions named Porgee Rock and Booby Cay.

It was a beautiful day even by Bahamian standards and with 12 knots of wind just forward of the beam we had a wonderful four and a half hour sail arriving at our anchorage at Royal Island Harbour just before 5pm.
This is a mile by 1/3 miles protected anchorage which shelters from any point of wind. Amazingly we had the whole anchorage to ourselves. Enjoyed cocktails and a gorgeous sunset.