Another water taxi ride this time with Peter & Wilma’s luggage and the jib going in for repairs. Bob and Peter dropped it off before breakfast and the tailor said he’d have it done by 11am. Breakfast was good and too soon the taxi arrived to take Wilma & Peter to the airport. The sail repair was finished when we got to the tailor’s shop and the water taxi was just about to leave when we got to the harbour so good timing all around. It took us only about 30 minutes to lift the anchor and drop it again on the west side of Stocking Island. The forecast is for high winds until Sunday so we’ll be staying put. It’s still windy here but the island does break the east winds somewhat and of course being close to shore on the west side means the waves don’t have much room to build. We hope we’ll be able to take the dinghy to shore. There is a resort and a few restaurants on the island. Barring that, we’ll spring for the water taxi and take it to George Town for the day.