Two boats on mooring balls left early this morning and we were able to take one of them. First mooring ball of the trip, I got it on the first try, the wind conditions were kind this morning.
‘We dinghied over to the island closest to our anchorage. We saw that several dinghies were anchored vs being pulled ashore. As we were heading for shore we saw why, there was a line of rocks just before we hit the sand – oops. Our dinghy has a soft bottom so avoiding rocks is desirable. No damage done, we moved to dinghy to another part of the beach without rocks. It was a short walk across the island to the Atlantic side and luckily for us we were there at high tide. There is a large rock called Bell Rock that has a blow hole. There were large rollers coming in from the east, the views were spectacular. I went picture crazy hoping to catch waves at their max coming through the blow hole and generally around Bell Rock. We climbed the high point of land to the north of Bell Rock, more pictures.
I had no luck getting a good shot of water coming through the blow hole ☹️.
The winds and waves had picked up when we headed back so it was a bit of a challenge getting the dinghy to deep enough water to put the motor in the water. We ended up throwing the dinghy anchor as far out as we could to stop the boat from being pushed back to shore by the waves. That worked.
Jeff and Trish joined us on Finnish Line for late afternoon snacks and drinks. They are leaving tomorrow morning for a nearby Cay & Marina.