It was not the best sleep of the trip last night. Due to winds and currents, the mooring ball was pushed to the side of the boat and around 3am we were awakened by the mooring ball playing the boat like a bass drum. This went on for about two hours until the currents changed.
We had planned to leave this morning but there are dark clouds all around us and the winds are forecast to be high today so we’ll stay for one more night.

Our next stop is Warderick Wells Cay which is the park headquarters. If you want to be in the north mooring field, where no anchoring is allowed to minimize damage to coral, you contact the park via VHF and request that you be put on the list for a ball. There is a daily 9am broadcast via VHF where the park staff first ask if any boats are leaving/have left and then they assign balls to boats on the waiting list. We were on the list for today but we’re going to call in to ask them to move our request to tomorrow. Good thing as we’re sure due to the high winds no boats left Warderick this morning. I’m hoping that quite a few will leave tomorrow as the winds die down meaning we’ll have a good chance of getting a ball.
We had planned to do a bit of snorkeling today but the winds are way too high for doing that comfortable. This is a very protected anchorage and there were whitecaps on the water by early afternoon. Sigh.