A very calm night at the dock, not a single wave slapping against the boat during the night. There are a lot of really big yachts here, we’re probably the smallest boat in the marina. We’ve looked up a few of the yachts, the least expensive one charters charters for 145,000 euro (approx $215,000 CDN) a week. It accommodates up to 10 passengers and that cost is just the basic charter fee, food, drinks extra. There is a lot of money around !

After a leisurely morning and lunch we `went for a walk to the southern most point of the island. It’s a windy day today so lots of whitecaps on the water. We saw two boats anchored close to a lee shore, the wind was blowing from the west. We figured they had great faith in their anchors. There were thunderstorms forecast for the evening but nothing before we went to bed or after.