Arrived here at 11 after a slightly bumpy motor trip, those darn north winds. The so called easterlies have mostly stayed somewhere other than the Bahamas. Bob expected a slack tide when we came through Current Cut but we had a two knot current against us.
No response from the marina after repeated calls on the radio so we pulled up to the face dock and a woman from a rather lovely yacht came out to help us tie up temporarily. Bob had to go search for staff to find out where our slip was. We are in the “Canadian Row”.

All the boats in our row of slips are from Canada; Halifax, Toronto & Montreal. I had a wonderful shower and we then had lunch at the Marina restaurant. It’s surprising how cool it is in the shade when the north wind is blowing.
Next important task was walking to the liquor store. We scored white wine under $10 a bottle and had a drink a Buddas to celebrate. We were prepared to handle carrying six bottles of wine back to the boat; back packs ?.

We’ve really enjoyed seeing the gardens most houses have, huge hedges of bougainvillea and houses are painted in lovely pastel colours.
We’ve been hoping to buy a piece of original artwork depicting the wonderful colours of the Bahamas but no luck so far. We did buy a wooden key holder made by a student at the local school. Speaking of original artwork, here’s a picture of an interesting outdoor piece.