The excitement on Thursday morning was the arrival of a 65 foot motor yacht trying to pick up a mooring ball next to us. The wife of the couple, who was a very short slim person, was trying to pick up the mooring ball from the back of the boat! After many tries, which meant the boat had to maneuver back and forth around the ball, she was able to nab the line – so now what? We are guessing the plan was to somehow take the line to the bow and then do the proper tie up. Of course this proved to be impossible and now, as the boat was moving about, the concern was that the line would get entangled in the propeller. We also figured they were doing this because trying to catch the mooring ball line from the bow was impossible based on distance from the bow to the water.
Lots of people in their vicinity were watching the goings on. We were especially interested as this boat was getting very close to us. Then two dinghies arrived, big boat let go of the line, no entanglement with prop, and a couple in one of the dinghies helped them tie up to the mooring line from the front of the boat. Now they were properly tied up but as our two boats swung in the wind and currents, we were coming quite close to each other so we were happy to see them shorten their line to the mooring ball taking us a little further apart. The owner was very pleasant and apologetic about all this but ………

This picture, which was a nice sunset, we had dinner at Pete’s, was really taken to show the size of that boat compared to us. We are second boat to the left of the hulk, directly behind it.
There were no bumps in the night and the next morning they moved to a mooring ball further out, we were all relieved. We had planned to leave on Saturday morning, anchor at White Sound for a night and the go to Harbour View marina in Marsh Harbour for three nights to avoid some high winds coming in on Monday and also provision and do laundry. However, quelle surprise, the winds were not going to be favourable for anchoring there, so we decided to stay at Little Harbour until Sunday morning. It’s a bit over 20nm to Harbour View so that’s only a four hour trip. We did go for a bit of a dinghy ride about the harbour but not for as long as we’d planned as it was pretty windy and the camera and I were getting sprayed with lots of salt water. We had our final lunch at Pete’s, and both agreed it had been a good idea to stay for one more day. We’ve loved our relaxing week at Little Harbor, which by the way is a totally off the grid community.