On Tuesday, still in Marsh Harbour, we walked to a hardware store, the most exciting thing we bought was a new toilet brush and we did get a bit of a walk out of it. Still no luck getting a painting. We dropped into the Tourist office near the marina, they suggested we’d have better luck finding something at Hope Town or Man-O-War Cay. We had pizza for dinner at Snappas, next to the marina, not memorable but the price was good.
We’ve been watching a six part documentary on Netflix called Wild Wild West about a commune set up 1980s just outside of a little hamlet called Antelope in Oregon. The leader was Bhagwan Rajneesh from India. A very interesting tale of the times. We wondered whether the reaction of townspeople would be different today. It’s great having a good enough connection that we can easily download shows and still be nowhere near using all our data.
Wednesday morning we left around 10:30 with plans to fuel up on the way out but a big trawler with a Canadian flag was just beginning to fuel up. We bobbed around for a while but decided we could fuel up at Hope Town, boats that size take a long time to fill up. It was a bit of a bouncy trip to the anchorage, wind of course on our nose so we couldn’t sail but took only an hour and a half. We anchored behind the Lighthouse in 5.5 feet of water ( low tide). There was just one other boat when we got there but seven by late afternoon. Many more boats were anchored on the east side of the entrance channel to Hope Town.
Thursday morning we moved over to Lighthouse Marina in Hope Town harbour. We first went to the fuel dock, good thing there there were two guys to help us tie up, the winds were blowing us into the dock but there was a maybe 15 foot runabout at the end of the dock making life difficult for Bob. Luckily a fellow from another sailboat docked here came to help. Trying to leave the dock with the wind blowing us into it was even worse. The doofus in the runabout finally moved out of the way. We thought getting into our slip was really going to be a shit show as it was a fairly tight turn into the slip but other than Bob trying not to run over a inept paddle boarder who was right at the entrance of the turn into the slip, it was easier than we expected. The slip was protected from the wind that pushed us into the fuel dock and helped that three guys were waiting to tie us down. The main harbour is full of mooring balls, no room for anchoring.

Once we got settled in we took the dinghy into town for a bit of a walkabout, the main settlement is on the other side of the harbour, a three minute boat ride away. It’s a lovely place, we checked out places to eat and visited several shops in our search for a piece of art but still no luck. We saw one piece painted on a piece of wood which we really liked, it was $350USD, we haven’t bought it, yet. Later in the afternoon we climbed the lighthouse which is very close to our marina – the views are fabulous. Our final walk was to the resort marina to have a drink and we made reservations for dinner. The good thing about going there is that we can walk there, it’s on our side of the harbour.