Loooong day at 11.5 hours. Off the wall about 6:30 to make the 7am opening of Lock 18. Rather a boring day as evidenced by this very long, very straight section. The only entertainment was avoiding all the floating logs and trees. Yes, trees! Had hoped to get to Sylvan Beach today and arrived about 3pm. Given the windy, rainy weather report for tomorrow we decided to continue on for the 3-hour crossing of Oneida Lake which can be dangerous in higher winds due to its shallowness and long fetch which can create uncomfortable seas especially with the mast riding horizontally above the boat. By continuing on we had an almost windless sunny crossing. Now at the town dock in Brewerton having cocktails and trying to hear each other over the din of the nearby Brewerton Raceway. Two easy days to go to get to Oswego. There it’ll be mast up and then across the Lake Ontario to home.