Through the 2 US locks today. Almost no wind today plus nice and sunny. Late start as we waited for George Jackson of North Sails to deliver a spin bag for Ramble On and Tarja to kindly drive my laptop battery that Canada Post said they’d deliver 2 weeks from now at the post office. Instead it arrived through our letter box! Off the dock just after 10:30 and headed for the

US locks: Eisenhower and Snell. Had to hold on the pleasure boat dock rafted to each other waiting for the freighter Algoma to lock through. Both locks are a 41’ drop but have a bollard one ties bow and stern lines to and it floats down as the lock empties. Rather civilized. Arrived at our anchorage just east of Cornwall about 3:30. Finnish Line 2.0 is anchored and Ramble On is rafted on. We broke out the bottle of Prosecco that Rosemary and Jim so kindly gave us on our departure to celebrate that one year ago today I arrived back on Finnish Line 2.0 from the Bahamas at KYC.