Set off at 5:30 under pleasant sunny skies. There was significant freighter traffic but the river is wide here so no biggie. As predicted, the current was a knot and a half against us for the first hour or so and then it turned. Boy did it turn!! At one point we enjoyed a period of 13.5 knots and were happy we weren’t fighting that!

Very beautiful scenery with cliffs, mountains and surprisingly many villages and other housing even on the islands like Iles aux Coudres. We arrived just before 1pm and found the marina with few launched boats. We were told there were no services but we were able to hook up to shore power and through other boaters get the Wi-Fi, gate and washroom codes. What else do we need? There is an amazing waterfall behind the marina plus a quite steep hill to reach the few houses in town. Due to weather, NE winds (bad for here) and a repair Chris needs to make, we will stay here 2 nights.