Nice sunny day, almost warm! Both boats needed fuel BUT two cruisers were ahead of us. Over two hours later it was our turn. Nudging up to a fuel dock with a 3 knot current (dock is inline with the current) is surprisingly straight forward when you use the current. By 12:30 we were off and doing 9-10 knots out the buoyed channel. After the channel we were able to have a pleasant downwind sail to Sainte-Rose-du-Nord, a charming little village founded about 1840. Surprising as Tadoussac, founded in 1610, is only 42 nm down river from here. But, like Ontario, the press for more land didn’t come until the UELs and others arrived after the US revolution. The huge pier we are on was built in 1905 and has more recently had added floating docks behind it. The tide here is about 14’. After a stroll around the village we had dinner at the Rose Café. It’s a one-woman operation. She was a delight and very funny, she had a quip for almost everything. Food was good, too.