Off about 7am with little wind which gradually changed to the point that we were able to do some down wind sailing.

About 8am I spotted on AIS vessel roughly on our track coming the other way. It was Bluenose II ! Radioed Ramble On and we altered course to port to ensure we would have a close meeting. Couldn’t raise them on the radio but did get some enthusiastic waves and a horn toot. Pretty cool!
Late morning we had a milestone — we passed the most northerly point of our trip. Same latitude as north of Thunder Bay.
About noon we heard a regular knocking/tapping sound. The engine wasn’t running and there was nothing else obvious so started the engine and put it in gear. Luckily nothing untoward. Turned the engine off and that had solved the problem. Whew — I had terrible visions of going into 60F water to fix.

Arrived at Sainte-Madeleine about 2pm. Couldn’t find mark RM1. When we landed we found the mark bedside the shed!
There was much scurrying by the staff after we arrived. Like other ports of call before this they were still getting the marina ready! We feel this is a JIT cruise.
Simple dinner at restaurant at the marina. It was a beautiful evening so we walked around and enjoyed the beauty cast by the setting sun.