Out of the Escuminac Harbour at 9:30 after paying out $15 per boat! We asked what time the fish processing store opened. The office woman said 9am but she’d call over. Sure enough we were told just to go over and they’d open the door for us. Got some shrimp, scallops and lobster meat.
Dull, grey day and another exciting lobster pot avoidance day which lasted for

a few hours. After that was it was a straight run in the Northumberland Strait. Saw one other sailboat on the horizon going the other way otherwise it was just us —— guess it was too far for the fishing boats.
Arrived in Richibucto mid afternoon and had to pay twice as much as last night! ? Burgers tonight so we walked into town to buy some buns and find an ATM. Returned to Ramble On for cocktails and the sun came out. We were all forced to get shorts on ? A woman approached offering us a ride to the grocery store if we needed. We didn’t but had a good conversation with her. Their daughter graduated from Queens last year so they know KIngston well. In addition they’ve shipped their boat there and did the Rideau. Plan to do the same this fall to journey amongst the Thousand Islands.