The morning was a leisurely breakfast before we agreed that about 9:30 we’d all dinghy ashore to check out the village and shops. As we all came on deck we saw that things didn’t look right. We had dragged our anchor back in a straight line back 150’ and were now just 20’ off a fishing trawler. Lots of scrambling to cast off Ramble On while we tried to stop the dragging, and recover the anchor. The wind was piping up so this was a bit more challenging and as the anchor came up it snagged a pot. After wrestling with it using a boat hook Chris realized the answer was to let down the anchor and then take it up again. That worked so we tried to anchor again and again we dragged right away. Why it held all night but not now isn’t clear. We read later that it was a very weedy, soft muddy bottom so maybe that along with the extra wind coming in caused this. We decided to call it quits and set off for that night’s anchorage.
Another day of lazy sailing and crab pots. Just before our island I noticed a crab pot ahead in my path out of line with some of the others. When I got up to it, it was a seal with its nose in the air apparently sleeping. Half a boat length away he woke up and dove away.

We arrived about mid afternoon and decided against the first anchorage in this long winding harbour and instead go the mile and a half to the one at the end. This is a well known beautiful spot so there were several other boats on the way as well as at the end. But there was room for us so we relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful rocky, treed surroundings.