Picked our way through the Marblehead mooring field to clear water. Had a nice sail on a close reach for about 30 minutes before we had to turn to a run and the wind dropped. Sailed at 2-4 knots for a few hours before packing it in and motoring. As expected lots of traffic heading into Boston Harbor. We are across the Charles River in the Charlestown Marina part of the park left after the Navy Yard was decommissioned in 1974.

Ramble On crew hopped a water taxi to do some walkies while we walked over to North Boston to meet up with them at pizza place from 1926. It’s a good walking city and we met many other walkers on the North Washington Street Bridge as it was rush hour —- good to see. After dinner we enjoyed a saunter around the neighbourhood to see many of the old buildings. Walked back across the bridge to get home and were treated to a spectacular sunset.