Locks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
We made it through the flight of of five locks unscathed but the day had barely started. After going through the first

five locks on the canal, Bob thought the engine sounded a bit funny so he quickly checked the strainer. There is a lot of crap/flotsam etc in the water and in the locks. The strainer needed to be cleaned and the engine has to be turned off to do that.

was only 150 feet away, the boat did not move an inch!
We have BoatUS insurance coverage in US waters. However, since this happened on the canal vs, say the Hudson River, there were no local resources that could pull us off. BoatUS suggested calling 911, which we did and that alerted the local fire department’s marine rescue unit.
There have been many phone calls. The local fire department on their boat came over, alas no sirens, hooks or ladders. They were very nice, offered to take us ashore for shopping etc. if needed.
Bob was on the phone with BoatUS and the company that will have to come to tow us. They have to come from Kingston (NY) on the Hudson and won’t be here until Monday. Bob had quite a long conversation with Captain Joe of SeaTow, (of the Kingston towing company) who said there is a lot of shoaling in the area were in, and the shoals move – no kidding.
Everyone has been very helpful. We are so impressed with the fire department service.