Locks 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
After a mostly rainy 5 hours and 7 down locks, Finnish Line arrived at Oswego Marina at 12:07pm in sunshine. We were fortunate that a lovely tug, which was tied up overnight just outside the Phoenix lock, waited for us at the next and subsequent locks, so we got through all the locks without any waiting at all. We still travelled at lower revs to keep the engine temp in the normal range. The rain seemed to pick up just as we’d enter a lock.
We had to tie up on the starboard side in one of the locks as there was a huge log on the port side of the lock. It turned into a mini shit-show. Tarja got the line at the bow ok but Bob had a problem grabbing a line for the stern. Too long to explain here but the captain of the tug, which had pulled in ahead of us, jumped off his boat to help. We had a problem in another lock when Tarja, for the first time ever in having done this lock thing now three times, lost her line as the water was already moving down. Bob lept to move the boat forward while still holding his line and Tarja was able to grab the line again. It’s quite ironic in that the up locks are normally much more challenging, but we had no problems in them – and we did 21 of them.
We’re first in line on Tuesday to have our mast put back up.