Day 47 Summerside PEI 35 nm today 1126 nm to date

Left Shediac at 9:30 on calm seas with very light winds. Sailed (slowly) for a little if the way but it was mostly motoring sails up or no. And aren’t we fortunate, the RCMP again stopped both boats although this time it was just questions and we did not have to produce papers. The RIB was from the same ship that had stopped us in the St Lawrence just different crew. It was a pleasant experience and they gave us a float key holder with a number we can call if we see anything untoward.

We arrived at the Silver Fox Curling and Yacht Club about 3:30 and geez was it

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Our new view
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The same buildings from the other side






hot 36C. However late afternoon winds blew in and the temperature became instantly more pleasant. Weather, eh?

Tarja arrived about 4pm and we all went for a drink to celebrate!

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Tarja and Bob back together again after almost 7 weeks

Days 45 and 46 Shediac NB

? Heat !!! ? After freezing our bunnies off for 7 weeks we awoke to a heat warning. And sure enough the temps were over 30C. Instant summer (finally).

Our friend, Chris McDonnell, arrived from Image may contain: 3 people, people smilingFlorida and will be on Finnish Line 2.0 until the Bras d’Or Lakes. Chris kindly drove us around for groceries and suds and to pick up Chris and Linda’s Andrew from the airport the next day. Other than that it was boat clean up with bouts of relaxation thrown in. And because of the heat G&Ts were served.

Day 44 Shediac NB 21 nm today 1091 nm to date

Calm, sunny and warm motoring the 20 nm to Shediac YC. Club has a lot of boats and nice facilities with pretty views across the river.

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Somewhere down there are Ramble On and Finnish Line 2.0
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Building donated by the Storey family obviously spelt incorrectly with an ‘e’. According to a history on the other side of the building several Storey members were commodores and head instructors, etc.






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Looking across the river
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Chris and Linda celebrate 3 years with many more to come

We had a romantic dinner for three to celebrate Linda and Chris’ 3rd anniversary at a French style restaurant.

We are here for 3 nights …. the ‘other’ Chris arrives tomorrow to ride with me to PEI and then on to the Bras d’Or Lakes in Cape Breton. The following day Chris’ son, Andrew, arrives and will be with us until Charlottetown. It’s wonderful to share our adventures with family and friends.


Days 42 and 43 in Bouctouche NB

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Such a beautiful setting for a club

The yacht club land and clubhouse are owned by the Irving family. KC Irving was born and raised here where his father had bought and run a sawmill now the site of the club. There is a lovely walk along the shore from the club into town that is all park land. Originally it was housing and dockage for sailing vessels but a fire burnt down all the buildings. Bouctouche, unlike Kingston, turned its waterfront into parkland.

The first day we had breakfast in town and then Tom and Sue came by and drove us to liquor and grocery stores and then a quick tour around including the Irving Arboretum across the road from here. It’s very beautiful with many well maintained flower beds.

Today we celebrated Canada Day (or is it really Dominion Day?) in town and enjoyed the free hot dogs and drinks. I had a basket of mussels for $3!

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Canada Day in Bouctouche
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All these for $3

John the club manager was going to drive us this afternoon to the Eco Centre to walk across the dunes. But the afternoon continued the rain and mist so we stayed put.

Late in day (finally it’s not raining) John came by and photographed us on our our respective boats. He has albums (which he showed us the first day) of all the visitors and their boats to the club.

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Statue of KC Irving of oil fame
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We counted at least 7 of these large anchors around the club and in town








Day 41 Bouctouche NB 28 nm today 1070 nm to date

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Ramble On departs Richibucto
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Lighthouses appear to be popular

Off the dock at 9am and carefully made it out of the harbour seeing 5.2’ on the way out … both boats draw 4.5’. There was a hint of sun which quickly ended giving way to light rain as we neared our destination.

Just out of the five mile channel I heard a slight change in engine noise and realized that water was no longer being pumped through the engine. Radioed Ramble On and they stood by as I dropped the anchor in about 12’ of water. Sure enough the strainer was clogged. I had noticed a nearby lobster trap as I dropped anchor. What I hadn’t noticed was how slack the line to the trap was, almost parallel to the surface! Hauled up the anchor and reversed rather going forward to avoid the line. Whew.

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The Bouctouche Club —- nice looking clubhouse
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markings left by the oil barrels

Wound our way through the well marked, narrow, 6 mile channel arriving about 2pm. The place we are staying is in a beautiful setting across the road from the Irving (yes the oil Irvings) Eco Centre. The wonderful looking clubhouse here apparently is an old Irving warehouse and the markings from the barrels can still be seen on the floor inside.

On the way in we saw Dragon III. Tom and Sue sailed her here 2 years ago from KYC when they moved to Moncton. This was serendipity as we did not know this was their club. We contacted them and they appeared about an hour later with 2 jugs of local beer.

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Reliving old times with Tom and Sue

Chris thought there might be something on his prop shaft so he rigged up an underwater camera to a boat hook to see look underneath the boat. It went well: the camera stayed attached and there was nothing untoward seen under the boat.

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Taping the camera to boat hook —- will this end well?


Day 40 Richibucto NB 34 nm today 1042 nm to date

Out of the Escuminac Harbour at 9:30 after paying out $15 per boat! We asked what time the fish processing store opened. The office woman said 9am but she’d call over. Sure enough we were told just to go over and they’d open the door for us. Got some shrimp, scallops and lobster meat.

Dull, grey day and another exciting lobster pot avoidance day which lasted for

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Fishing fleet against the horizon

a few hours. After that was it was a straight run in the Northumberland Strait. Saw one other sailboat on the horizon going the other way otherwise it was just us —— guess it was too far for the fishing boats.

Arrived in Richibucto mid afternoon and had to pay twice as much as last night! ? Burgers tonight so we walked into town to buy some buns and find an ATM. Returned to Ramble On for cocktails and the sun came out. We were all forced to get shorts on ? A woman approached offering us a ride to the grocery store if we needed. We didn’t but had a good conversation with her. Their daughter graduated from Queens last year so they know KIngston well. In addition they’ve shipped their boat there and did the Rideau. Plan to do the same this fall to journey amongst the Thousand Islands.

Some recreational boats but mostly fishing boats. The couple going to Kingston have the boat to the right of Ramble On on the same dock.

Day 39 Escuminac NB 16 nm today 1008 nm to date

A dull and rainy morning. We set off at 1pm to make the short 15 nm hop to position ourselves for the calmer weather tomorrow in the Northumberland Strait. many hundreds more lobster pots and we crossed over (according to the chart) The Lump and The Swashway.

We are in a harbour that has the largest fishing fleet in the Gulf of St Lawrence. There are two basins. We went into the inner one to get diesel but at times we only had a foot under of water under our keels. A lot of fishing boats had just come in and were refuelling so we were directed to the outer basin where we tied up and rafted together. Fuel dock opens at 8am with no competition as all the boats will be out. However it’s also low tide so we think we’ll carry on and get fuel at the next stop.

Day 37 and 38 Miramichi Bay NB 91 nm today 993 nm to date

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Ramble On sets off in the predawn light

Off the dock at 4am along with the rest of the fishing fleet. Calm seas, sunny skies and little wind meant for a calm voyage across Chaleur Bay into New Brunswick waters. Surprised to see how many lobster pots there were even in 350’ of water.

Off Miscou Island we encountered all the fishing boats in the world and lottsa and lottsa of lobster pots. No straight course here!! Several friendly waves from close by boats and one radioed us to find out where we were from and going to … he then wished us a good voyage.

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Not many fishing boats visible but you get a feeling for the number of pots
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Ramble On enjoys the afternoon winds
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All tucked up in Baie du Vin

In the early afternoon the winds came up and we were able to go from motor sailing to real sailing. Quite consistent 16 knot winds until we dropped sails about 6pm ADT. Then we had a horrendous trip into Miramichi Bay. Sunlight on the water in front of us making it difficult to see the lobster pots. What kind of fisherman drops pots in a marked channel? What kind of government permits that? The last hour to the anchorage was sustained 22 knots on our port bow and dodging more pots. At the south end of the bay we found less wind as we tucked up in Baie du Vin.


Unfortunately, no place in Miramichi could accommodate us so with the rain we decided to stay put.

Day 36 Port-de-Grand-Rivière 42 nm today 902 nm to date

Left at 9am with a send of party of the kind folks who entertained us in Gaspé.

For the first 3 miles it was rolling with the waves a beam but after we turned to travel the 17 nm down the bay the winds and waves were behind us. Still rolling but more tolerable. Winds in the 20s and gusting to high 30s.

Turning around Pointe Pierre we could see the awesome sight of Percé Rock. We were able to sail some of the 5 nm under jib only. Each boat took pics of the other around the famous Rock.

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Ramble On on a heading for Percé Rock
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Ramble On sails past Percé Rock










After that the winds and waves calmed so it was an easier passage around Cap d’Espoir and the a straight shot to Port-de-Grand-Rivière unless you count avoiding the lobster pots. As I’m soloing Ramble On went in first and then radioed me instructions for coming in. This is a real fishing port although there are new finger docks for the trawlers. Luckily for for us a few were free for us to use. Once ashore we bought some fresh fish for dinner tonight.

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Ramble On and Finnish Line 2.0 amongst the fishing fleet

Days 33 to 35 Gaspé Harbour

Gaspé was discovered/found by Jacques Cartier in 1534. Many french left when the British under General Wolfe seized the area and later the British had an initiative to settle the british here. Today there is a strong english and french community.

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Only about a 1/3 of the folks at the lobster do. Great folks, great gathering.

Linda has very good friends here who loaned us their car to get privions and sight see. They gave us a big lobster dinner with their extended multi-generational family. Great hearing their views of life and country in this part of Canada. A wonderful group of people, indeed.

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I guess driftwood is not in demand here l’Anse-a-Beaufils
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Smoked salmon pizza ? wow

Went to Percé Rock today and to visit l’Anse-a-Beaufils where we hope to overnight soon. Good thing we went as the docks are not in yet! However, we did have lunch at La Vieille Usine. All 3 of us had smoked salmon pizza …. yum-yum!

After we bought 6 pints across the harbour from Microbrasserie Pit Caribou.

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The famous Percé Rock

Tomorrow we leave *IF* the winds die down. The last 2 days have been gusting to 35 knots. The winds were supposed to be diminishing noonish tomorrow but now some wind apps are showing 50+ !

You might rightly but naively think that this sign beside our harbour indicates a train station. Nope. There was a repair from many many years ago that just never got done. So to catch the train you must catch a bus from here for a 5 hour drive to meet the train ! ;-/