Although the day started overcast, the sun was out by around 11 – finally. I figure all that cloudy weather was payback for the the first month+ of nothing but sun.
About the only thing open in Deltaville was the grocery store, a seafood store, and one little cafe.

There was also a sports bar but the marina staff said “you don’t want to go there”. There were a few more eateries but all of them closed. The most highly recommended place didn’t open again until Wednesday. Ursula & Jeb warned us that a lot of places in small towns on the Chesapeake had very limited hours by October.
The marina provided a courtesy car so Chris, Cindy, Bob & I had lunch at the cafe, picked up some seafood for dinner and stocked up on groceries. That was as exciting as it got.
We had late afternoon refreshments on the marina’s very nice patio/verandah.

Chris and Bob found some interesting weather forecast differences between Deltaville on the west side and the east side of the bay. Basically, a lot more wind predicted for the east side as the wind is coming from the north – hmmmmm, we’ll see.