Today has been the first day of all day rain since we left Kingston. It’s 4pm, it’s raining and it sure doesn’t look like it’s going to give up anytime soon. That means it’s been mostly an inside the boat kind of day. However, Bob braved the elements to walk to West Marine to return an item we bought yesterday, it’s not cold out, just wet.
Bob did some boat maintenance stuff including vacuuming the water out of the bilge. In the process he discovered that storing beer cans there, which was a hint from our Catalina twin Chris, didn’t work out so well for us. Beer had leaked out of several cans so the aluminum must be really thin. Out they came and I washed the non perforated cans in soapy water but even with that I think we will not be drinking directly from the cans – they were pretty slimy.
I’ve pretty much vegged all day, I figure that what rainy days are for. Bob managed to download Lady in a Van so we’ll have a movie to watch either tonight or anytime for the next few weeks.
Here’s a picture of the fishing trawlers on our side of the marina.