Nice sunny day today and we saw lots of dolphins ! I finally got a somewhat decent picture but you’ll still have to zoom on it.

We saw more evidence of major $$$$$$$ in the US. Passing Jacksonville we saw the largest private yacht in the world complete with a “small” motor boat and a sailboat sitting at the stern – see, I’m learning to use proper boaty terms. Also along parts of the ICW were huge mansions with their own boat docks.
We stopped for the night, along with about six or seven other boats – I love company – at Pine Creek . The creek winds around an island so there are lots of spots to anchor. We anchored near mid creek about 90 minutes before low tide and then watched a mud bank revealing itself near us. We were pretty sure we’d be okay as we draw only 4.5 feet but Bob decided to go go exploring in the dinghy with his handy dandy depth gauge. Also, we have to provide pictures of the bow and stern of our boat to Fort Pierce Marina where we are leaving the boat for December, so he was able to take those pictures. We decided to move the boat a bit as insurance and to have a restful sleep.