After morning coffee in the cockpit Bob called Pete’s Pub in Little Harbour to see of there were any free mooring balls, the answer was yes. We quickly got the anchor up and headed over to make sure we’d be going through that shallow entrance channel in low tide. There is a bit of weather coming in on Wed/Thursday, but nothing like our stay at Stocking Island. Bob phoned the Marina at Hope Town to see if we could get a slip but no luck.
The shallowest water we saw in the channel was under seven feet, that was at high tide. There were several free mooring balls, we saw a couple of boats come out of the harbour before we got there so we knew we’d be ok. We wanted to get a mooring as close to Pete’s as possible to make getting to shore easy. Lucky on that front, we got one very close, we’ll be able to row to shore which means we don’t have to do battle to get the outboard on.

It’s a very pretty totally protected harbour. Bob has some boat maintenance to do and we decided we would stay here until Friday morning. We don’t expect that the higher winds forecast for later this week will be that bad but why not hang in a nice spot where we’ll be able to go ashore every day despite what the winds are doing outside the harbour.
Bob rowed the boat ashore, lalaaa, and we had lunch at Pete’s sitting with a couple from Kincardine and a threesome, as in friends without privileges, from Oriental NC. It’s always fun comparing notes with other boaters. Lunch was good, fresh fish again – it’s a good life even if I shouldn’t have had that second large glass of wine.