Today was our long walk south on the Atlantic side with the hope of having lunch at On Da Beach, a beach bar. It’s usually open on Sundays but we thought Easter Sunday might have been an exception. Regardless, we figured it would be a good walk. The first part of the walk was on Back Street which is all residential and leads out of Hope Town. The walk along the beach, which was about a mile was wonderful. There were a few families splashing in the waves and very nice looking houses along the beach at a higher dune level. All of them had steps to the beach.
We were very happy to find On Da Beach open. We got before noon so there were just a few people there but it filled up fast. The core is a covered building that includes the grill area. There are high stool seats all around the core, that’s where we sat and tables on the patio

three quarters of the way around the core, all facing the Atlantic. We loved it. One of the waiters told us it was for sale, I think it’s a older couple that currently owns it. He also pointed out that they can’t open in bad weather as they don’t those protective plastic walls. On the way our we ended up chatting with a young woman who had been sitting near us. She had lived in Hope Town for a while but went back to England and decided to go to Medical School, she will graduate in September. She took a very good picture of us standing at the top of the steps to the beach.

‘We walked back along the Queen’s Highway, houses large and small all along the road. A number of them had Elbow Cay for sale/rental signs. We’ve really enjoyed our time on Elbow Cay and Hope Town. We are thinking about maybe renting a house here for a few weeks next winter.