We were a little concerned about backing out the slip being so close to the cat but all went well. Dave and Joy were on hand to help and the one of the dock hands came over. He kept hold of the bow line to keep us close to the dock, ergo away from the cat, and we were easily out. Bob had to stay in reverse to get past two large cats that were on a side dock parallel to our track out. Dave came to wave to us from a dock further down, he was impressed with Bob’s reversing.
Once we got out of the harbour we could actually sail for the first time in a while. We seem to always have the wind on our nose. We had the jib up for about 45 minutes which was most of the way to Man-O-War Cay. It’s a friendly little marina with a great restaurant right on the premises. We had both lunch and dinner there, our excuse is that we had no breakfast. I have not been taking food pictures, lucky for all blog readers, but did take one of my dinner last night as I loved the presentation. It’s a Thai shrimp dish served in a cast iron pan – it was delicious!