Sunday is everything is closed day here, except churches of course. We went for bit of a walk, crossing over to the Atlantic side. There are storm clounds swirling but we’ve only felt a couple of raindrops.
The settlement reminds us of a smaller version of Spanish Wells. It’s very neat, houses have gardens and there is a thriving, although smaller, boat building industry. The houses like in Spanish Wells don’t have the fancy trim of houses in Hope Town.
April 9
We walked the street closest to the harbour which is where the little shops are located. No luck in finding a painting so we’ll get the two prints we saw in Marsh Harbour for sure. Bob also had a fellow from one of the boat works companies come on board to check out the engine compartment fan switch which seems to have stopped working. Bob wasn’t sure if it was the switch or the fan that was not working. Turned out to be the switch so the fellow hardwired it so that the fan is on whenever the engine is on. Bob didn’t have it on all the time. He’ll get a replacement switch when the boat is back in Kingston. We decided to stay here one more night as our plans to anchor for a few night at a small Cay near here have been thwarted by south winds. We’re going to anchor in Marsh Harbour which won’t be as nice but it’s a harbour protected from pretty much all wind directions.