It was an interesting start and end to the day. A very nice trawler also anchored at our bay, left before we did. He found the brick pile at the entrance but unlike Finnish Line 2.0 in 2018, it was not just a bump, he was stuck. Since the obstruction is pretty much in the middle of the entrance we were able to get around him easily enough. Chris asked, as Ramble On first went by, if they could help in any way. The captain thanked him and said he has already called BoatUS – he said he knew the obstruction was there but cut it a bit too close! Hoped the tow would come soon as the tide was ebbing and this boat wouldn’t see enough water until late afternoon.
We sailed through gorgeous scenery in the first few hours, high tree covered hills with granite sloping into the water. The winds picked up and we were able to put the jib up for several hours which was a help as we had .5/1.5 knots of current against us. The winds hit the low 20s but were from behind us so quite pleasant. We had over 40 nm to go so we motor sailed even with the high winds.

We got to our anchorage, same place where Bob and Peter anchored on the 2018 return journey, and Ramble On rafted to Finnish Line, as usual. We had delicious Linda pizza and then retired to our respective boats. The anchor alarm went off around 9:30 and when Bob checked it he’d set the distance too short. Then the wind started piping up, the boats were bouncing around and around 10:15 the anchor alarms went off again. This time the anchor had dragged. The gusts were in the high 20s, the wind had shifted to the north west and the current was coming from the north. Add to that the weight of the two boats and it was time to part company – fast. More than a bit challenging doing all this in the dark while both boats are bouncing but as Bob likes to say, “it went ok, nobody died” Linda texted once we were both securely anchored – “that was exciting”! The winds reduced to the low-teens by the time were were anchored but we sat in the cockpit for a while to unwind, it was now close to midnight. The winds were slight during the rest of the night, made for a good sleep and although we are very close to the train track there were no train whistles during the night (there were lots the night before) to wake one up.