It was a beautiful sunny day for the masts coming down. This was the third time our mast was stepped/unstepped at Hop-O-Nose and we continue to marvel that the very rickety crane is still standing. The crew here are great. Both boats were done by shortly after 10. Linda and Tarja did a major grocery shop after lunch while Chris and Bob finished off lashing the mast, etc., etc. etc. Finally we could relax for a few hours before we walked to the New York Restaurant for dinner. It’s become a tradition that when we’re in Catskill, we eat there – thank you Jeb and Ursula.
Stands on and ready for the craneThey do the mast lift strap …. yayComing down
Almost there. Not sure what the old guy on the right is doing ??
It was a calm four hour motor trip up the Hudson to Hop-O-Nose Marina. The scenery continued lovely with the Appalachians/Catskills in the background.
and beautiful homesand lighthouses
Arriving at Catskill Creek, we had to cool our heels for just a little while waiting for a couple of other boats to move out. Once docked, both boats started prep work for the masts coming down tomorrow. The first task was finding the mast stands that Linda and Bob delivered here in May. Ramble On’s stands were easy to find, Finnish Line’s were more of a challenge. The marina had cleared out stands older than two years. Bob had visions of having to build new stands but luckily Chris spied the tallest bit in a corner and with some moving of other stand parts they were dug out. Delicious ribs for dinner at Creekside restaurant at the marina.
Woke to a pleasant morning, this is the trawler that hit the brick pile at the entrance.Ok this is not how anchoring works … boats bow to bow
It was an interesting start and end to the day. A very nice trawler also anchored at our bay, left before we did. He found the brick pile at the entrance but unlike Finnish Line 2.0 in 2018, it was not just a bump, he was stuck. Since the obstruction is pretty much in the middle of the entrance we were able to get around him easily enough. Chris asked, as Ramble On first went by, if they could help in any way. The captain thanked him and said he has already called BoatUS – he said he knew the obstruction was there but cut it a bit too close! Hoped the tow would come soon as the tide was ebbing and this boat wouldn’t see enough water until late afternoon.
We sailed through gorgeous scenery in the first few hours, high tree covered hills with granite sloping into the water. The winds picked up and we were able to put the jib up for several hours which was a help as we had .5/1.5 knots of current against us. The winds hit the low 20s but were from behind us so quite pleasant. We had over 40 nm to go so we motor sailed even with the high winds.
Note the train on the right – this is route Tarja’s train took to NYCRamble On heading for the bridgeSeems freight trains travel on the west side, passenger trains on the east bank.
We got to our anchorage, same place where Bob and Peter anchored on the 2018 return journey, and Ramble On rafted to Finnish Line, as usual. We had delicious Linda pizza and then retired to our respective boats. The anchor alarm went off around 9:30 and when Bob checked it he’d set the distance too short. Then the wind started piping up, the boats were bouncing around and around 10:15 the anchor alarms went off again. This time the anchor had dragged. The gusts were in the high 20s, the wind had shifted to the north west and the current was coming from the north. Add to that the weight of the two boats and it was time to part company – fast. More than a bit challenging doing all this in the dark while both boats are bouncing but as Bob likes to say, “it went ok, nobody died” Linda texted once we were both securely anchored – “that was exciting”! The winds reduced to the low-teens by the time were were anchored but we sat in the cockpit for a while to unwind, it was now close to midnight. The winds were slight during the rest of the night, made for a good sleep and although we are very close to the train track there were no train whistles during the night (there were lots the night before) to wake one up.
One meets the nicest 197 footers on the HudsonThe old ocean liner berths at midtownThe old Cunard wharf
A somewhat leisurely morning as we didn’t need to leave until late morning. It was not a really long distance to our anchorage plus the current turned in our favour around 11 am. The other reason might have been our need to replenish the white wine and beer supplies and in New Jersey on a Sunday they can’t sell alcohol before noon. Both boats got a fresh water rinse and laundry was done. Ramble On went to the fuel dock first. She had to go the far end of the dock as the main dock was full with coast guard and NYPD boats gassing up. Apparently this is a “Sunday Thing”. Wine and beer supplies were bought while Finnish Line got fuel and a pump out.
Advertising everywhere! ?Under the George Washington Bridge
Ramble On waited for us outside the marina and both boats made bumpy exits up the Hudson, being criss crossed by various and sundry ferries, cigarette boats, and yachts. It was another hot day, we’re pretty sure it hit 30C. The boat traffic calmed down after we passed the George Washington Bridge. It was interesting passing the ocean liner terminals which are at mid-Manhattan. Some are still in use as seen in our photo but Cunard Lines has moved to a new terminal opposite Governor’s Island (Brooklyn). We passed under the Tappan Zee Bridge on our way down in Sept 2017 and the old Bridge was still up. Passing under in May 2018 the centre span was down. Now all that’s left are the concrete footings.
We arrived at anchorage at Haverstraw around 5pm. It’s a nice small bay, although Peter Cohrs, may not think so. There is very shallow shelf on the way in and a brick pile on the bottom which we hit last time (May 2018). All good this time!
It was warm enough to have dinner in the cockpit!
Blue tinted skyscrapers that almost blend with the skyTappan Zee Bridge
One of NYC’s many beautiful tree-lined streets —— why can’t/won’t Kingston do this?
For us it was mostly about the museums. We took the very handy ferry that leaves from our marina for the ferry terminal at the World Finance Center about a 15 minute ride. On Friday we headed for the Frick Museum on 5th at 70th. He built this house in 1914 to display his art collection so while it is an art gallery now it remains furnished as it was lived in. Wonderful collection of mainly European masters. After a quick lunch around the corner on Madison we spent the bulk of the afternoon enjoying the Frick.
The Frick
We then headed downtown to meet up with the rest of the gang for Peter and Wilma’s last dinner with us near Battery Park.
Parting dinner – Peter and Wilma fly home tomorrow
Saturday we saw Peter and Wilma off to their plane and then headed out for lunch and the Met. Our chosen restaurant in Lower Manhattan was closed for an event so it took some time to find a place. Unfortunately we didn’t arrive at the Met until mid afternoon and if one knows the Met, it’s ENORMOUS. So we chose a few exhibits and noted others that we will do next time.
We met up with Chris and Linda in Lower Manhattan and did a quick grocery shop before catching the ferry back to our marina.
Our dinner view: the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
Through some cosmic randomness we arrived today at Liberty Landing Marina exactly 2 years to the day when we arrived on our way to the Bahamas. Life, eh?
Ramble On in the NYC skyline, Empire State Building just of its starboard bowprison ship near Rikers IslandHells Gate BridgeUN BuildingEmpire State Building
Set off from Oyster Bay after a few boat tasks including emptying one of the jerry cans into the fuel tanks as we might or might not make it to NYC if we didn’t. A low wind day sadly although we have had some of the best sailing of the trip on Long Island Sound. Today’s route took us down the East River and at the mid point is Hell’s Gate where the confluence of two rivers and the the tide can make for an uncomfortable ride to say nothing of slow. So, we departed at 10:30 to arrive at Throgs Neck Bridge (no, not a spelling error) so we would mostly have current in our favour but not too much to affect our boat handling. The most current we hit was about 3.5 knots so a good ride without being dangerous. We met some traffic mostly ferries but also barges and some pleasure boats. Along the way we passed Rikers Island with its prison and opposite a weird looking ship that turned out to be a prison ship. We went under the flight path of La Guardia Airport and past the UN Building, under the Brooklyn Bridge and by Battery Park with its great view of the Statue of Liberty. For those keeping track, Battery Park marks the most southerly point of our voyage.
We had to shoot across the ebbing Hudson River so had to pay attention to the current pushing us down river. We arrived safely just after 4pm and had time to straighten up and pour drinks before Tarja arrived by train from Syracuse —- Tristan had kindly given her an early morning ride there.
Pleasant sunny morning. Ramble On crew took the tender into shore for showers. This driver did not recognize the Canadian flags on our boats.
Entering the park like Oyster Bay
With the winds piping up we left at 10:30 and enjoyed a pleasant run down Long Island Sound to Oyster Bay home to Teddy Roosevelt’s Summer White House. Before turning in we could see the the New York City skyline including the distinctive Empire State Building. This is an interesting park like harbour with many arms to it. Many, many expensive homes and sailing boats. We went in about 6 nm to West Harbor. Tucked in this far there are some moored boats but we are the only anchored boats.
A few small summer homes …Lottsa property house and yard —- note the greenhouse on the roofOur anchorage facing more nice homes
A pleasant passage the few miles back up the river. No wind forecasted but we saw largeish white caps as we got to the Sound so we had quite a nice sail ?⛵️ sometimes 7+ knots. Arrived early afternoon at Port Jefferson and took a mooring ball which includes a tender.
Sailing school using Finnish Line as its finish line
Linda, Wilma and I took the tender ashore although it wasn’t much of a town I enjoyed walking some of the residential area and seeing some historic mid-1800s homes. On the tender back to our boats the driver asked us if Canada uses the euro as its currency. We told him no the dollar but pretty sure he took that to mean USD. Kinda went with the enormous 9 storey high US flag on the power plant on the harbour’s west side.
Beautiful evening on Ramble On enjoying pizza made from scratch and the sunset.
Town dinghy dock and the anchorageWhaaaat the …… a water buffalo sculpture on one’s driveway? ?
It was forecast to be a very low wind day but nonetheless we had most of it under sail as we headed down Long Island Sound under overcast skies. It’s roughly a 2 nm trip up a narrow winding waterway to a large anchoring pool. Very calm and peaceful place (thank you US Chris!) Unfortunately we don’t have many days to spend chilling here as it’s a perfect spot to do so.
After lunch we dinghied into the quaint town there. It’s on the rail line to NYC and we expect has some very wealthy folks there given the cars we saw and the upscale shops. Then it was back to the boats for some boat work, chilling and, of course, cocktails. Lovely evening although now nightfall comes much to early. ?
Decided to see more of Mystic especially the Seaport Museum. It is an Upper Canada Village meets ships. Fabulous place. We spent the afternoon but it wasn’t nearly long enough. Apart from coopers, blacksmiths, etc. there are several old ships. The most delightful was the whaling ship built in 1841 and is the oldest still floating merchant ship in the US. After its restoration a few years ago it was once again taken out sailing, the first time in 90 years! It has lots of information on-board and demonstrations like taking the sails in at the end of the day. Will make a point of going there again.
Anchor dropping demonstratorThe 1841 whaling ship
harpoons and blubber cutting toolsCaptain’s quartersCrews’ quarters
Oven for reducing the blubber to oil for storing in barrelsPots for blubber
Ship’s wheel attached directly to the rudderTaking in the sails – a harbour furl