After a beautiful sunrise we set off at 8 but by 9:30 we’re firmly aground with low tide still an hour away. Luckily we have a TowBoatUS membership so by 11:30 we were towed off and on our way. Pleasant day until the afternoon when the winds really picked up in the Georgetown Inlet mostly in the 20s but gusting in the 30s with a top of 40. In some ways it gave the boat more speed but it was uncomfortable and cold being on deck. But we were rewarded with a lovely anchorage when we arrived at 6:45.
Off before sunrise and against a 2 knot current which switched in our favour later. Today was very sunny unlike yesterday’s rain, rain, and more rain when we went “outside” to avoid the inoperable bridge. Today took us by Charleston and then through d so some very desolate flatlands that reminded us of a waterery Saskatchewan. When we arrived at our anchorage it was too exposed for the winds forecast for tonight so we pressed on another 9 nm. We are now anchored in relative calm behind a few trees in a small creek.
Called the broken bridge and they said the workers are coming Friday. The manager at the marina we arrived at today said the bridge has been broken since December and they always say the workers are coming Friday. Definitely an imperfect world. It’s raining this afternoon so got chores done like changing fuel filters. Weather looks good for tomorrow to go outside to get past the broken bridge and gain some northerly.
Passed some pretty nice “cottages” today. Just past Thunderbolt near Savannah we had to call for the Causton Bluff bridge to open but were told it was under repairs and they didn’t know when they would be completed. So we retreated 5nm and found a small anchorage. From here we could slip out to the Atlantic but the weather looks terrible out there. So if the bridge is not open tomorrow we guess we’ll sit here.
We filed our US entrance via the Roam app on Saturday but never had a reply. This morning spoke to the local CBP officer who said that when the local office is closed the area office should have taken care of it. Anyway, all is well as he took care of our clearance into the US and got us a Cruising Permit. We were off the dock shortly after 9am. Used the flood tide current to move our stern out as we were on a face dock w/o much room in front or behind. Had a good day of motoring with the tide against us then for us then against us. We logged 42nm but by the crow’s flight 24nm! Lots of twists and turns.
We arrived at our anchorage about 5pm on the Wahoo River GA at low tide that welcomed us with lots of mud flats. But never mind, the tide in 6 hours will be up almost 9 feet. Yup, that ain’t no typo! Tomorrow we should get just past Savannah.
After 2 rolling days we had a respite yesterday about 5pm — a gentle sail with little rolling so we had a proper cocktail hour.
Pleasant Cocktail Hour in the Gulf Stream
After dinner Peter noticed clouds that showed the classic warm area rising and the cold dropping. Peter suggested we take in the main down just in case.
Then 10 mins before we were hit, and I do mean hit, we furled the jib. The sky opposite had that infinite ominous grey/black look where you think you’re looking into abyss.
Then enormous driving rain, huge waves and winds of 30-40 knots with a top of 50.6 One solar panel came off so we tied it down-it was hanging now by a single cable and seemed to want to do damage to something or someone. We took turns steering but into a north wind now. It was exhausting. Near midnight the sirrus weather showed what looked like a 2nd go. Peter suggested drifting south which we did. Finally about 3 or 4am we reset to our original course.
There was no warning of this in the marine reports! Marine forecasts are stupid.
We also had more of the raw water problem. Turns out the fan belt for the water pump was loose. So now we are heading into the inlet where before we were going to sail to save the engine for docking.
We arrived at St Simon’s Marina about 4:30 and welcomed a good shower.
We were going to set off again tomorrow morning but now we will rest and clean up the boat and have a good dinner at the marina restaurant which we have enjoyed the other times we’ve been here.
We stuck it out at anchor in Bullocks Harbour for 2 windy nights although our riding sail kept movement to a minimum. At 0500 we weighed anchor and headed out to Grand Bahama Island. A 63 NM track, and pretty much a
straight line. The weather forecast was for winds diminishing
from NE 20 and clocking to east… “Rubbish”, of the complete and
utter kind! The winds were a steady NE 17-20, with gusts to the
mid 20’s. Waves were up to 7′ and on the beam, although it did clock about 10 degrees for a while. But not before we took a wave into the cockpit and all over Bob! Every sailboat likes a reach and FL2.0 is no exception. While it was very rolly, when it was all done, we averaged 7 kn from anchor up to harbour mouth.
We’ll hang out here for a couple of nights and hit the stream Thursday for 2 or 3 days — weather permitting, hope to make southern Georgia. There was no opportunity today for pictures given the topsy-turvy of our voyage. Getting around the boat today would challenge a mountain goat. The Grand Bahama “Yacht Club” is quite nice, but like most places around here, is more of a marina but with condos.
There are many boats here waiting for weather windows to get further into the Bahamas. Several of the expedience cruisers are saying this has been an exceptional year both here and Florida for persistent high winds (and waves!) Some of those sailors are Bob and Tarja’s friends, Joy and David Swann. They introduced themselves at their home port St Simon’s Island GA back in 2017 as they also owned a Catalina 355. They were at the same marina later in April 2018 in Marsh Harbour and Bob and Tarja had several delightful dinners out there. They have moved up now to a 425 which Bob saw today — lottsa comfort and room on it!
Had to move anchorages as it’s very difficult to anchor in 20 knots of wind with other boats quite near by and LOTTSA skinny water. Slogged through 13nm and arrived just as the sun was setting and just 10 minutes before a cold front came through. The photos by Peter were taken just 30 minutes apart — the storm was moving that fast. We are now deservedly “in our cups”.
This island is owned by Norwegian Cruise lines for its passengers to have “fun” at. There are 3 ships here now. This is depressingly ugly to look at and we are here for at least 2 nights to get shelter from north winds. Guess we’ll just face the other way and ignore it.
Off the dock at 8am after farewells to Wilma. Luckily, we had the track from our 2018 trip so it was much easier to work our way through the coral heads, shoals and the skinny water.
Goodbye Palm Cay
Heading out narrow channel
At the north end of the island, we were able to sail past Nassau and all it’s cruise ships. But after a few hours the wind died down and went behind us so we had to finish the rest of the rollie ride under motor. We arrived about 4pm and found a small freighter also anchored here. Probably making a delivery to the homes on Bonds Cay as it left after an hour.